Emerging Leaders Toastmaster’s Club – Jan 14

The Emerging Leaders Toastmaster’s Club sponsored by the Office of Mentoring Services and Leadership Development will have its FIRST CALL OUT MEETING for the semester on Monday January 14, 2008 at 7:00 PM in State Room West.If you haven’t come to a meeting before, be sure to not miss this one and discover for yourself if this is an organization that may be beneficial for you. The Toastmaster’s Club is a terrific organization that will help you enhance and improve your listening and public speaking skills, speech delivery and leadership development. Commit to your future success by joining us January 14th in the Union for a meeting you won’t soon forget.

Included below is a brief description of Toastmaster’s International.

What is Toastmasters?

From a humble beginning in 1924 at the YMCA in Santa Ana, California, Toastmasters International has grown to become a world leader in helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. The nonprofit organization now has nearly 220,000 members in 11,300 clubs in 90 countries, offering a proven – and enjoyable! – way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.

Most Toastmasters meetings are comprised of approximately 20 people who meet weekly for an hour or two. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or grammarian. There is no instructor; instead, each speech and meeting is critiqued by a member in a positive manner, focusing on what was done right and what could be improved.

Patrick D. Smith
Director, (FASE)
Office of Mentoring Services and Leadership Development
Ashton-Weatherly 202
1800 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47406-7511
Ph: 855-3540
e-mail: smithpd@indiana.edu