Future of Human Biology

FHB’s main purpose is to give back to the community of Bloomington as well as the community of St. Jude’s Hospital. We will be participating in numerous volunteer activities, such as volunteering with Special Olympics, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and nursing homes. Our main event of the year will be hosting a concert whose proceeds will all go to St. Jude’s Hospital. Even though FHB is sponsored by the Human Biology Department, is is open to anyone wanting to make a difference. If you think any of your students would be interested in FHB, please forward this e-mail on.


The first general meeting will be held on Sunday, September 21, at 4 pm in Morrison 107. If anyone has any questions please e-mail metuttle AT indiana DOT edu.


Thank you for your time,


Megan Tuttle

Vice President of F.H.B.